
  IT Analysis

Campus card programs are a heavily IT driven service. Some departments work with central IT, while others have their own agile group working from within.
Let me work with you to help define documentation procedures and provide templates for continued success through making the process easier. With defined templates, and a description of how and when to use them we can help ensure that service uptime, communication and client satisfaction will increase while decreasing the stress on your IT staff.

General Analysis

I will work with your team to help provide an overview of your departmental layout. Then walk through how that compares with both with other institutions as well as help ensure that you are dedicating time where you get the most value. This often means working with not only the campus card office, but central IT and various support areas on campus. By meeting with not only the OneCard office, but also with your high impact stakeholders we can ensure that you are taking full advantage of your staffing, and if required, help provide documented assistance in getting additional staffing

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